Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156601-156620 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700backdropCreate and host fixture generation based on simple ruby objects for ...
38,9700win2unixA ruby gem which can replace the windows' line breaks into unix line breaks for a folder.
38,9700paymill_rubyThe official ruby wrapper for PAYMILL's API.
38,9700ucoolucool command for taobao.com
38,9700threejs-railsThree.js for Rails
38,9700wrong_answer* http://www.rubysideshow.com/ * http://rubysideshow.rubyforge.org/wrong_answer/ == DE...
38,9700faraday_middleware-parse_json_objectFaraday middleware for parsing JSON as openstruct Object.
38,9700fog-openstack-apibankOpenStack fog provider gem.
38,9700marketing_assets_essentialsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
38,9700rack-jsonrA Rack middleware for providing enhanced JSONP-type access, but with get, post, put, an...
38,9700jekyll-wnsCollection of Filters, Tags and Hooks I use.
38,9700rmrRuby MongoDB Reader
38,9700build_associatedHave ActiveRecord automagically build an association when accessed. Useful for belongs_...
38,9700object_cachesimple object cache for ruby
38,9700nutriscoreNutri-score computation for food products.
38,9700lita-flipA handler for Lita that angrily flips your text.
38,9700daygramFor interacting with Daygram for Android sqlite DBs
38,9700rarbgRuby client for the RARBG Torrent API.
38,9700requestgooglebooksthe initial scope of this gem is to request book covers from the Google books api
38,9700jekyll-theme-tufteA modern Jekyll theme based on tufte-css, in the style of Edward Tufte