Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156561-156580 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700numeric_distanceExtends Ruby's Numeric object with distance methods.
38,9700tooky-utterSimple instant deployment for jekyll websites
38,9700assets-railsRequire the versioned js/css libraries in your rails asset pipeline. You can use differ...
38,9700tesla_apiCheck the state of your Tesla Model S and issue basic commands. Stream data from the ca...
38,9700infrataster-plugin-pgsqlPgSQL plugin for Infrataster
38,9700chomskyChomsky generates parsing expression grammars with a nice pure-Ruby DSL, eliminating th...
38,9700audit_loggerLogger which creates additional files for a more orderly logging information in Rails a...
38,9700query_builderBuilder of the CQL statements.
38,9700rqrencoder-magickAn image file generator for QRCodes using RMagick
38,9700mcmire-contestWrite declarative tests using nested contexts without performance penalties. Contest is...
38,9700passphrase_entropyEstimate the entropy of a passphrase
38,9700strpalinPalindrome dectector gem
38,9700imgurzFast, simple.
38,9700magaya_apiA Ruby interface for the Magaya API
38,9700br_zip_codeGem that lets user find a brazilian address with the given zip_code.
38,9700orcid_clientRuby client library for the ORCID API.
38,9700csvifyAdd a to_csv (similar to to_xml method) method to Array class for Active Record results
38,9700freesoundA Ruby library for consuming the Freesound.org API
38,9700facebFacebook library