Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158541-158560 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380find_n_biggest_numbers_in_textFind a set of biggest decimal numbers in a text file
69,2380zoologyZookeeper utilities and recipes
69,2380mplatov-mysqlMySQL API module for Ruby.
69,2380fixture_foxfixture_fox gem
69,2380loginatorStandardized logging of API requests/responses
69,2380yaml_record_rails_4Use YAML for persisted data with ActiveModel interface
69,2380logstash-filter-korean-jamoThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
69,2380wxmn-acts_as_mongo_taggableA ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo
69,2380network-projectorBuild or use a network display
69,2380NSecurityTestA simple hello world gem
69,2380em-easyYou dont have to think in terms of EM.run and EM.stop anymore. Simple and intuitive api...
69,2380natronToken based authentication provider for Hanami
69,2380open_parliamentSimple gem for interfacing with openparliament.ca's API
69,2380mreinsch-acts_as_rateableActs_as_rateable is a rails plugin providing a rating interface for ActiveRecord models.
69,2380riemann-airbrakeRiemann agent to collect Airbrake stats
69,2380sensu-plugins-ipmi-sensorsThis plugin provides facilities for monitoring IPMI sensors
69,2380noctivityinc-activemerchantActive Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...
69,2380redis-slave-readProvides load balancing of reads in a cluster of Redis replicas
69,2380tagutilstagutils - tag utilities (tag, taggings, tag list, etc.)