Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158581-158600 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380octogateGithub webhook proxy server. Request target is defined by Ruby DSL
89,5380rails-adsense_helperThanks to ihaveu.com team.
89,5380grape-appsignalappsignal integration for grape
89,5380logstash-filter-languagedetectThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
89,5380embulk-input-marketoLoads records from Marketo.
89,5380libtlsThis is a set of libtls bindings for Ruby, plus a nice object-oriented layer atop the b...
89,5380html-pipeline-issue_referencesAn HTML::Pipeline filter for auto-linking GitHub issue references
89,5380mruby_sandboxA mruby sandbox running in its own sub process and having only a single ...
89,5380sassy_toolkitAdds Sassy Toolkit to a rails app
89,5380happygrepa grep front-end
89,5380log_syringeAdds logging to your application without cluttering your code with logger calls
89,5380safedrivingcalculatorIn order to be safe
89,5380golos_cloudRails compatible gem that provides full DB connection and models to golos.cloud
89,5380openxml-pptxImplements the Office Open XML spec for creating PresentationML documents
89,5380rowrRefactors pieces of old websites so they can be hosted again or archived.
89,5380pbyfUse this gem to pull data from the Yahoo Finance site, and do some basic calculations w...
89,5380panelizeScript for arranging microscopy images into a grid with constant leveling for making fi...
89,5380haml-parserPladeholder for future haml-parser