Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158561-158580 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342hello_ohakutsu_rbA simple hello world gem.
146,8342avro-jrubyAvro is a data serialization and RPC format
146,8342pvdgm-bs-clientThis gem provides command-line tools to use the beanstalk api.
146,8342d3js-chartsThis gem provides view helpers to create d3.js charts easily
146,8342vladiatorA library that sucks... validation errors into an accumulator.
146,8342webpage_update_checkerThis gem checks whether a webpage is updated. By HTTP header or hash (MD5, SHA256...) d...
146,8342uri-componentHandle URI components as an object
146,8342collectd-plotPlot collectd data using gnuplot, with useful features such as host globbing.
146,8342debugprintEasy debug() and info() methods for Kernel that use $VERBOSE and $INFO
146,8342vigilA continous deploy pipeline.
146,8342deep_thought-capistrano_2Deep Thought deployer for 2.0 <= Capistrano < 3.0.
146,8342vagrant-etchostsA Vagrant plugin that manages the /etc/hosts file on the host
146,8342zoho_wrapperA rubyzoho wrapper that allows Zoho CRM API access.
146,8342html5compatThis gem adds html5shiv and respond.js to the Rails asset pipeline
146,8342autoproj-syncSynchronizes the build byproducts of an Autoproj workspace to remote target(s)
146,8342barongAbility to embed barong into a Rails application to customize it
146,8342awallis-ri_calA new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries ...
146,8342aussiesmsSend text messages via aussiesms.com.au
146,8342crypterImplementation of all basic to high level of security algorithms for data encryption an...