Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159561-159580 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380rootbeerRootbeer is a Wordpress Framework built with Zurb's Foundation, Compass, and Sass.
69,2380newrelic-worklingNewRelic instrument for workling
69,2380state_validationsA gem that verifies the integrity of a state history
69,2380mikeHeadless browser for testing purposes powered by V8 JavaScript engine (via Mustang gem)
69,2380thirstPub.find if user.in_sweden?
69,2380open_weatherRuby client for the Open Weather Map API
69,2380pcg_randomPCG is a family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good algorithms for random...
69,2380prolog-services-markdown_to_htmlThe Prolog::Services::MarkdownToHtml class converts valid Markdo...
69,2380xfiredbXFireDB ruby client library
69,2380matchscoreSimulates match results
69,2380prayer_timeThis gem obtains to praying times from Presidency of Religious Affairs
69,2380questrade_clientRuby client library for the Questrade API
69,2380eve-pasteeve-paste parses various formats that are copy-pastable from the in-game UI in EVE Onli...
69,2380overseasOverseas shipping ruby gem for UPS and DHL apis.
69,2380nipper_parserUnofficial parser for Titania Nipper Studio XML report.
69,2380elo_brainSimple elo calculation.
69,2380pureapiA simple concern in model & controller for api
69,2380pangdudu-rwikibotA Ruby framework for creating MediaWiki robots.
69,2380tell_me_wheneverParses a string to a time offset
69,2380methodsourceYou probably meant `gem install method_source`.