Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159641-159660 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630new_relic-starterA library that provides a way to start the New Relic agent in a running process.
85,8630rspec-mustrspec-must allows you to use #must instead of #should instance method in your specs. Cu...
85,8630rails_vue_jsAdd Vue.js to rails App
85,8630knife-mirrorKnife support for mirroring Chef Supermarket contents
85,8630gitmirrorgitmirror maintains mirrors of git repositories on the local system using a bare reposi...
85,8630huginn_harvestFetch resources from harvest.
85,8630of81-test-gem-bTest gem B
85,8630sluggable_tkbGenerate sluggable string
85,8630google_cloud_logging_extensionExtension of google-cloud-logging-gem.
85,8630hasamiThis gem helper get Taoyuan airport flight info
85,8630lightwavezThis is a quick and simple ruby client gem for LightwaveRF link. No liability is accept...
85,8630globalize2_sugarUpdated from the original
85,8630migration-specMigration RSpec 2 matchers to spec migration files, fx as generated by a Thor generator
85,8630scashin133-xmpp4r-simpleJabber::Simple takes the strong foundation laid by xmpp4r and hides the relatively ...
85,8630magicklyA service for image manipulation - built as an extensible wrapper of Imagemagick which ...
85,8630rpi-pddbGenerates a buzzing sound using a Raspberry Pi + piezo drum disc sounder.
85,8630task_runnerExecute tasks in parallel
85,8630taip_parserTAIP GPS data parser
85,8630gibberNonsensical text translation
85,8630feedcellarFeedcellar is a full-text searchable RSS feed reader and data store by Groonga (via Rro...