Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159601-159620 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700sinicumProvides the necessary functionality to work with Magnolia-managed content in a Rails a...
38,9700FreedomCoder-utility_beltA grab-bag of IRB power user madness. (With Linux Support!)
38,9700rms_web_serviceRuby wrapper for RMS Web Service.
38,9700freelancing-god-gingerRun specs/tests multiple times through different gem versions.
38,9700ftotrTool finds occurances of TOTR comments in .strings files. Next it saves the lines with ...
38,9700freelancing-god-riddleAPI for Sphinx, written in and for Ruby.
38,9700magic_stiWrite a gem description
38,9700tabular-textYou know those times when you're dealing with a 10-year-old government API and they req...
38,9700notify-graphitePush event notifications to Graphite
38,9700jruby-spymemcachedA JRuby extension wrapping the spymemcached library
38,9700aws_dumpDump AWS data from API
38,9700rspec_rablProvides a more declarative form of view testing for users of rabl
38,9700yoomee-decent_exposureDecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an implementation in ...
38,9700fugalh-batphoneVery simple and easy to learn bridge to AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface)
38,9700shoutcast_statusGet station info from a Shoutcast server
38,9700active_scaffold_duplicateClone records using a method from model in ActiveScaffold
38,9700morsecode_keypadDesigned for using morsecode on the Raspberry Pi with a keypad which has 4 buttons (das...