Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159621-159640 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300rustbyRust test
85,4300rabbit-slide-unasuke-omotesandorb-41omotesando.rb #41
85,4300fluent-plugin-mysql-2fluent plugin to insert mysql as json(single column) or insert statement
85,4300mailtoUse email for customer communications.
85,4300flex_infinite_scrollInfinite scroll for Ruby on Rails applications on pure JavaScript.
85,4300my-ruby-sampleA sample Ruby gem.
85,4300hardpool-flatJekyll flat theme with bootstrap for personal portflio.
85,4300jmcnevin-moneyMoney and currency exchange support library. Modified by jmcnevin.
85,4300openproject-service_packsService Pack plugin
85,4300joekhoobyar-capistrano-extensionsVarious capistrano extensions
85,4300guard-catalogAutomatic folder clean up with Catalog.
85,4300phonegap-buildGenerate PhoneGap applications from the command-line
85,4300sq-dbsyncColumn based, timestamp replication of MySQL and Postgres databases.
85,4300omniauth-nkOmniAuth Strategy for nk.pl using OAuth2
85,4300pwQuantum Espresso
85,4300erector-form_forForm helper inspired by erector targeting html5
85,4300sql_reporterSupplementary Gem to sql_tracker allowing you to compare query data bewteen files
85,4300killbillBase classes to write plugins.
85,4300rmapA simple yet powerful object relational mapper (ORM).
85,4300jscovA rack middleware for collecting JavaScript code coverages.