Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159861-159880 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171timecop_webA web interface for timecop
147,2171dynamic_selectableDynamicSelectable will allow you to easily create collection_select fields ...
147,2171openscad_utilA collection of OpenSCAD utility code
147,2171rails3_fitter_happierFitterHappier is a Rails plug-in that provides actions for monitoring site and/or datab...
147,2171ruby-saslSimple Authentication and Security Layer (RFC 4422)
147,2171washoe_pollsGem for finding polling places in Washoe County, NV
147,2171studio_game_xSimple game resulting from Pragmatic Studio Ruby course.
147,2171smart_methodssmart_methods helps to define class and instance methods using pretty DSL
147,2171robmitch-happymapperobject to xml mapping library
147,2171bartonBarton is an API for Australian electorates and politicains
147,2171rack-unix_domain_socket_statusCheck for unix domain socket usage
147,2171cgi-query_stringBasically trying to replicate ActiveSupports to_query method without having to include ...
147,2171axentro-rb-utilSending transactions
147,2171dir-listerA simple library to Lists a directory with a Pattern!
147,2171acts_as_resourceUser resource management gem.
147,2171acts_as_meritocracyWeighted majority voting system for qualitative (categorical) items (i.e.assuming the s...
147,2171weather-icons-for-railsI like weather-icons and I like rails.
147,2171tnt.rbRuby SDK for working with TNT shipping web services.
147,2171super_jim_serviceCool service.