Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159881-159900 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171suj_hiya_vakathanam_sujithThe library opens up the Hiya class and puts Hiya All.
147,2171alberichAlberich is a model-integrated permissions engine that allows access control, and list ...
147,2171clips2snippetsTools that convert Coda Clips to Sublime Text Snippets.
147,2171dotnotesSimple CLI Application to create and edit notes directly from terminal.
147,2171sentry-summaryShows a summary of the sentry issues, aggregating by request
147,2171spree_group_buySpree group buy extension
147,2171car_data_gemA wrapper for an open source CSV file on Cars
147,2171cdnifyCDNify CDN Library
147,2171codeape-money_handlerSee summary.
147,2171digest_perfectAmong other things, this is the hash used to create requests to google's pagerank tool....
147,2171phoenix-rbRun SQL commands in ruby using Phoenix
147,2171ddr-filetoolsPluggable text and metadata extraction service.
147,2171zabbix_agentClass for creating Zabbix agents in Ruby
147,2171async_statisticsAsyncStatistics is not available now. coming soon
147,2171bitcoin-priceGet real time bitcoin prices from firebase.
147,2171colors-sassColor palette for the web for rails
147,2171sparklDefine behaviours for before, after and around actions using a decorator-like manner, s...
147,2171yodaSpec yoda will, and spec you shall too.
147,2171preciousPRECIOUS! SHINY!