Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159901-159920 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450jekyll-autoscout24A Jekyll plugin to transform AutoScout24's backup XML into a data file
91,6450query_generatorGenerate Standard Sql query
91,6450ma_name_generatorFake name generator tool for MA.
91,6450fixed_widthA gem that provides a DSL for parsing and writing files of fixed-width records. Shamel...
91,6450pundit_custom_errorsAn extension for the Pundit gem that enables the creation of c...
91,6450jekyll-foxslidefoxslide theme derived from Adrian Artiles
91,6450kuboCache files long description here.
91,6450stat_sugarGet methods like sum, average, standard deviation and more applied to arrays.
91,6450rbgloxrbGLox is a small wrapper over the ruby-opengl, ruby-glfw.
91,6450reward_sciencesThe Reward Sciences API enables your customers to browse and redeem rewards seamlessly ...
91,6450omniauth-dwbnssoAn OmniAuth strategy for Dwbnsso
91,6450logstash-input-google-cloud-pubsubThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
91,6450stockfishRuby client for the Stockfish chess engine
91,6450knn_cvA native kNN leave-one-out technique implementation for Ruby based on the 'class' packa...
91,6450local_data_cacherAllows a user to not have to continously re-fetch data within a time frame
91,6450subj_modelsMove models from some project to gem.
91,6450rubyappCreate a fully configured ruby project with a set of common frameworks to choose from
91,6450render_radiantRenderRadiant allows you to send variables and other settings declared in your action t...
91,6450nixme-vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.