Daily Downloads Ranking

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161541-161560 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170dollaDolla is a gem that provide payments methods for bank gateways.
141,6170dodecahedronA ruby mineral's chemical shape; run end-user machine graphical Ruby programs. Produced...
141,6170ddr-ingesttoolsA collection of Ruby tools supporting ingest into the Duke Digital Repository.
141,6170dmm-sdk-rubydmm-api はXML取得の為、Ruby用のsdk Library作成
141,6170alda-rbA Ruby library for live-coding music with Alda.
141,6170askoverflowcommandline tool to search stackoverflow quickly and simply.
141,6170autoloadingAutoload Ruby classes or modules by inferring the file path from the name
141,6170cwninja-assert_i18nA collection of `I18n` assertions I use in daily life.
141,6170c_from_rubyThis gem is used to call functions written in C
141,6170bank_accounts-mexicoNational bank codes of Mexico
141,6170eienA command line tool that helps you deploy and manage apps in Kubernetes
141,6170baidu_umeditor_railsRails asset pipeline integration for Umeditor.
141,6170berkeley_library-av-coreGem for UC Berkeley Library shared audio/video code
141,6170bimbleKeep your bundles up to date
141,6170cocoapods-resourceResource file management configuration tool for Pod.
141,6170dribbble_rapSimple wrapper for the Dribbble API.
141,6170embargoedEmbargoed blocks all visitors from Russia from your Rails application, displaying a pro...
141,6170backchannelMulticast-based peer-to-peer text chat
141,6170csv_to_objectTakes a CSV file and returns a a collection of objects generated by that CSV file.
141,6170betabuilderA set of Rake tasks and utilities for managing iOS ad-hoc builds