Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161561-161580 of all 180,616 gems.
75,2300mock5Create and manage API mocks with Sinatra
75,2300sayisal_captcha0-9 arası sayıları kullanarak random olarak 2 sayı seçer ve yine random olarak toplama ...
75,2300riscfuture-hoptoad_notifierSend your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox.
75,2300security-report-parserUsed to parse montly reports from our security guard.
75,2300mysonJSON parser
75,2300mogreetRuby interface to the Mogreet API. Allows sending SMS and MMS messages. Go to https://d...
75,2300Knuckleheads-PragGameThis is coding built for practice alongside Pragmatic Studios online course. Feel free ...
75,2300inspec_deltaQuality of Life tools for managing inspec profiles.
75,2300jekyll-wrenA page-like theme for Jekyll.
75,2300noko_cliNoko CLI is the easiest way to add, remove, and view all your entries from your terminal.
75,2300foreign_exchange_davidUsing Yahoo finance api converts currencies.
75,2300rebotFramework for building bot applications
75,2300firmataA lib for working with the Firmata protocol in Ruby.
75,2300fakes3test10Use Fake S3 to test basic Amazon S3 functionality without actually connecting to AWS
75,2300fluent-plugin-kubernetes-parserThis plugin should be able to parse Kubernetes `klog` format with contexts, or other KV...
75,2300graph-apiGraphAPI is a Ruby Gem created to simplifiy and help manage authentication using the Fa...
75,2300single_fileRun a block of code only if a system level file lock can be obtained for a given filepath.
75,2300spsdrbpubPublishes a message to the simplepubsub_drb broker.
75,2300launchdarkly-server-sdk-otelLaunchDarkly SDK OTEL integration for the Ruby server side SDK
75,2300substitutionsTakes some text and does the substitutions from xkcd.com/substitutions(_2|_3)?\.png