Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162481-162500 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700jekyll-theme-boilerplateJekyll boilerplate theme.
38,9700logstash-filter-apcera_translateOperationally, if the event field specified in the field configuration matches the cont...
38,9700lperichon-devise_invitableIt adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...
38,9700spree_omnikassaOffsite payments using the Dutch Omnikassa service from Rabobank.
38,9700omniauth-googlefederatedHybrid authentication and authorization strategy for Google APIs. Combines the process ...
38,9700prezjordan-totothe tiniest blog-engine in Oz.
38,9700pope_francis_drumsrgr8forn8ig-pay atin-lay anslator-tray
38,9700mixlib-jsonSelects best-available JSON library, and provides a common API.
38,9700rack-gaugesSimple Rack middleware for implementing gauges tracking in your Ruby-Rack based project...
38,9700angry_mob_common_targetsAngryMob Common Targets are a set of essential, reusable targets to get you started wit...
38,9700capistrano-team_notificationsCapistrano notifications for all team members via OSX Notification Center
38,9700better_offsite_paymentsOffsite Payments is a simple abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It i...
38,9700EndlessWaffleCLICommand line tools for the Endless Waffle server
38,9700scidbScidb for Ruby
38,9700release_meAutomation scripts that help you release code
38,9700ghazel-subdomain_routesSubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be res...
38,9700instrumentalRails instrumentation and client for imperialapp.com
38,9700midas-g_toggle_blockA Rails Guilded (http://github.com/midas/guilded/tree/master) component allowing a blo...
38,9700midas-has_associative_facadesA Rails gem that creates getters and setters for associated object's attributes to aid ...