Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162561-162580 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870threatexpertrovides a simple API to query ThreatExpert by malware name (to receive a list of matchi...
135,8870artofmission-action_mailer_tlsConveniently send emails through Google's Hosted App service
135,8870assert_repeatedAssertions that run multiple times for testing functions with large domains
135,8870usfxRuby stream parser for Unified Scripture Format XML (USFX)
135,8870stacktorA more structured gem for communicating with OpenStack.
135,8870taftTAFT will deploy/install a skeleton code framework for the automated testing of applica...
135,8870refinerycms-searchProvides extra functionality for searching your frontend website using Refinery CMS.
135,8870computercomputer gem - shell command line helper / wrapper 'n' more for your computer
135,8870shenzhen_fir[fir.im 新版api] CLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)
135,8870auto-session-timeout-warningjQuery automatic session timeout warning in a Rails application.
135,8870ski-report-cli-gemUses data from OnTheSnow.com to provide snow reports
135,8870asynchronizerPlugin for the asset pipeline.
135,8870beginner.codesThis is the un-official RubyGem for the Beginner.Codes Discord server. Test your daily ...
135,8870simple_viewrenderer system based on ERB, BUILDER, IO, Java POI (xls)
135,8870spectestTest framework for specifying tests and executing tests.
135,8870shapesA simple ruby library for writing shape files
135,8870terminitorAutomate your development workflow
135,8870supremeRuby implementation of the Mollie iDEAL API
135,8870traject_profilingProfiling macros for MARC bib records; meant to be used with traject to index into Solr.
135,8870tealrbA DSL for building Algorand smart contracts