Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162441-162460 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380hanami-events-cloud_pubsubMakes it easy to use Cloud Pub/Sub with Hanami
89,5380jotform_api_clientjotform_api_client is a ruby client for the JotForm API
89,5380oauth2_chinaWeibo OAuth2 API Ruby wrapper.
89,5380meteoserviceThe program shows the current weather using fresh data in an XML structure. ...
89,5380estimated_countPerformant count estimates for Rails and PostgreSQL.
89,5380nele-cliCommand line interface for nele gem ### Instalation: $ gem install nele-cli ### ...
89,5380rename_files_gemThis Gem provides functionality to recursively rename files in a given directory, apply...
89,5380gitshGit command line shell.
89,5380text_to_color-railsGem for a converting a string to hexadecimal color code in javascript
89,5380sashite-ganA Ruby interface for data serialization in GAN format ♟️
89,5380outlandUmbrella gem for Outland utilities.
89,5380rehtmlPure Ruby html parser. This library parse html and build rexml document. Nokogiri is ...
89,5380grenouilleAutomatically detect Swift versions from source code.
89,5380purging-imagesIf you need to remove or update an image on imgix, you can purge it from our caches.
89,5380redmine-reportingReport errors to Redmine
89,5380module_plusTo include/extend utilites for ruby "Module" or "Class".
89,5380GosuplusGosuplus is a extension for Gosu
89,5380newgisticsRuby API client for Newgistics
89,5380dijkwel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.