Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162401-162420 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380intrinio-realtimeIntrinio Ruby SDK for Real-Time Stock Prices
69,2380fulcrumFulcrum API
69,2380karolinskaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
69,2380row_boatTurn the rows of your CSV into rows in your database
69,2380test_parserRetrieves information of your test suite
69,2380terrascriptTerraform wrapper which adds Ruby scripting capabilities to your infrastructure
69,2380inboxesMessaging system for Rails 3 app
69,2380hq-log-monitor-clientUtility to monitor log files and submit lines which match regular expressions to a serv...
69,2380omniauth-tanitaOmniAuth strategy for Tanita Health Planet
69,2380dynamic_scaffoldIt is customizable and flexible scaffold who support sort and the pagination.
69,2380majesticDoes majestic things
69,2380login_with_githubAdd login with github on your app
69,2380lita-onewheel-unstagramWee li'l instagram dereferencer since... I hate igshids
69,2380etzelclientEtzel driver for Ruby!
69,2380printgraphpaperGenerates graph paper in HTML format suitable for printing.
69,2380f1gemA gem to show finding results repository github on your terminal
69,2380object-streamStream objects over IO using Marshal, JSON, YAML, or Msgpack.
69,2380motion-wizardAn small library to create wizard like views controllers
69,2380extractulaExtracts content like title, summary, and images from web pages like Dracula extracts b...
69,2380rabbit-slide-kenhys-groonga-night-4Groongaの開発周辺のトピックについて、 昨年からの変化やちょっとしたノウハウの参照先の紹介に加え、 Groongaプロジェクトで協力者を募集している内容を紹介しています...