Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162641-162660 of all 182,840 gems.
70,6460dbd-sqliteSQLite 2.x DBI DBD
70,6460musicbrainz_cliCommand Line Interface for the MusicBrainz database
70,6460predictwiseA simple API wrapper for PredictWise
70,6460testgardenExternal gem loader for TestGarden
70,6460hconfigENV var to Config object translation with validations.
70,6460discourse-redisA Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an i...
70,6460cosmosc2-tool-limitsmonitorThis plugin adds the COSMOS Limits Monitor tool
70,6460param_paramLambda powered pipelines for hash values
70,6460def_cacheAn agnostic ActiveSupport::Cache helper to enable easy caching of methods inside your c...
70,6460likingDescription of Liking.
70,6460ecm_courses2Ecm::Courses Module.
70,6460jekyll-convertifyProvides tags and filters to convert sources of one type to another type, e.g. Markdown...
70,6460indirect-metric_fuCode metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task
70,6460cocoapods-timeconsuming-detailscocoapods install/update timeconsuming details. it will be conflicted with cocoapods-ti...
70,6460fearless_flyerProvides information on the products featured on the Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer website
70,6460momakerA small Ruby script for creating modular Sass components
70,6460jgdc-railsDescription of Jgdc::Rails.
70,6460guard-shellexecGuard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change
70,6460persisReally! It's just a test! Don't waste your time!
70,6460rosetta-railsUnobstrusive Internationalization solution for Rails applications.