Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162581-162600 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051mtFake a SMTP server and print email to stdout.
103,2051scb_easyRuby gem to get your current account summary.
103,2051rbchannelsAPI client for the Channels app - https://getchannels.com
103,2051safemathsafemath - safe math operations (with overflow 'n' underflow protection) on signed and ...
103,2051leaseLease templates and envelopes
103,2051jekyll-prepPrepare Jekyll page data using Ruby.
103,2051logstash-output-statusHttp output status for monitoring
103,2051google-apis-metastore_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for Dataproc Metastore API V1alpha. Simple REST clients ...
103,2051simple_option_parserA very simple option parser for ARGV.
103,2051miga-guiGraphical User Interface for the Microbial Genomes Atlas
103,2051sensu-plugins-lvm-thinpoolsPlugins to provide functionality to check lvm thinpools for Sensu, a monitoring framework
103,2051google-apis-cloudbilling_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Cloud Billing API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ru...
103,2051sdk_ruby_apis_efiA ruby gem for integration of your backend with the payment ser...
103,2051magic_8_ballReturns a Magic 8-Ball answer
103,2051rss_detector'rss_detector' provides feature for feed detection from html document.
103,2051merb_virtuozzoMerb plugin for working with Virtuozzo.
103,2051rftpA wrapper for net::ftp that is tolerable
103,2051kahunaHandlers for Serf "http://serfdom.io"
103,2051futurechimp-sanitize_emailTest an application's email abilities without ever sending a message to actual live add...
103,2051mileszs-importexImport an Excel document by creating a Ruby class and passing in an 'xls' file. It will...