Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162661-162680 of all 182,840 gems.
70,6460gridSenderGem to send e-mail through Sendgrids Sendgrid-Ruby API.
70,6460luffyOne-piece gem
70,6460to_deep_csvto_csv for Array, Array, Array, Acti...
70,6460gnotea gnote.vim plugin
70,6460ruby-tmdb3An ActiveRecord-style API wrapper for TheMovieDB.org
70,6460ruby-prof-danielhoeyruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
70,6460caramelAdds more sweetness to Ruby
70,6460modify_resourceThis gem makes rails automatic. Securely.
70,6460salesforceThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
70,6460coyoteA speedy tool for combining and compressing your JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS and LESS...
70,6460identA Ruby library for querying identd servers (RFC 1413)
70,6460panmind-ruby-audioinforuby-audioinfo glues together various audio libraries and presents a single API to the ...
70,6460mcms_resourcesMcmsResources is an application for uploading images and files and magnify those images.
70,6460log_exceptionsLogExceptions is the mountable exception engine, it mount your existing application to ...
70,6460maker_sayEasily create tests for quiz-like ruby scripts
70,6460geomerativeGeomerative java library wrapped in a rubygem. Updated to use String switch etc avail...
70,6460kousher-jekyll-startupThis is a jekyll startup theme
70,6460heroku-shortcutsShortcuts for the Heroku CLI
70,6460efmefm is a small Emacs-like file manager written in Ruby.
70,6460lifx-httpA HTTP API for LIFX.