Daily Downloads Ranking

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162821-162840 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772not_blankInstalls the #nb method on Object and in some modules to simplify dealing with possibly...
136,3772xmp_fixedExtensible Metadata Platform (XMP) parser
136,3772apotomo-animateMake your AJAX powered apotomo widgets have more sizzle; animate them as the appear!
136,3772hollerbackSimple DSL-like callback pattern for Ruby classes.
136,3772cylinderProduced by Assemble Company.
136,3772fluentmetadataFluentMetadata is describing Object-Metadata on one place, and using it from ASP.NET MV...
136,3772rack-middlewareA convenient way to create Rack middlewares.
136,3772quantumEntanglementQuantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of ...
136,3772scout_apm_rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
136,3772jsc3d-railsThis gem provides access to the client side rendering application JSC3D
136,3772mogo-resque-lifecycleAdds job lifecycle data to Resque payloads
136,3772texicoUtility for handling project templates, build settings and project management
136,3772carrierwave-mimetype-magicReal mime-types for carrierwave
136,3772howler_jsA gem for importing the howler.js audio library into Rails projects.
136,3772pgmA ruby library for probabilistic graphical model
136,3772qthorThor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
136,3772hawaiianThis gem is designed to allow the Hawaiian language to be used with ruby. The current ...
136,3772Otenki_CThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,3772hrmparserParses Polar and Garmin HRM files.
136,3772net-purgedomainAdds PURGEDOMAIN to Net::HTTP for domain-level cache purging requests.