Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162801-162820 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772companies_house_apiRuby library for interacting with Companies House API
136,3772smtp_authauth smtp user
136,3772glrg100Gem Test
136,3772parser-gfmThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
136,3772resource_packerA small resources packer between the server and the browser
136,3772hello_worlderSome awesome 'Hello World' gem
136,3772my_copyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
136,3772stable_marriageRuby implementation of a Stable Marriage solver
136,3772gosseyn__palindromeA Learn Enough Ruby Palindrome detector.
136,3772bandcamp-rbSimple wrapper around Bandcamp.com API v1-3
136,3772ensembleComing Soon.
136,3772cabooseTemplate for Rails
136,3772osmerGem for managing OpenStreetMap data in PostgreSQL database
136,3772capistrano-node-deploy-foreverCapistrano recipes for deploying node apps using forever module to manage the daemon
136,3772examenGema para la implementación de preguntas de respuestas simple frente a un conjunto de r...
136,3772file_secretsA simple wrapper for reading sensitive information stored in files to support the patte...
136,3772ruby-ecoThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
136,3772jekyll-pagination-taskJekyll Pagination Task allows you to create paginated pages by defining filters on ...
136,3772lookout-data_fabricSharding and replication support for ActiveRecord
136,3772rack-http_catJust use Rack::HTTPCat in your application for all requests to have a link to the https...