Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162741-162760 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170echi-converterProvides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into...
141,6170assets-squasherIt takes an HTML file, traverses over its scripts and stylesheets and minify them all i...
141,6170dxw-zendesk_apps_supportSupport to help you develop Zendesk Apps.
141,6170danger-spellingA Danger plugin for pyspelling.
141,6170actionversionActionVersion is a work in progress looking to provide a simple and elegant way of vers...
141,6170deep_storeAWS S3 ODM
141,6170eghl_hash_betaEghl hashing gem - beta version
141,6170bayA simple hello world gem
141,6170danger-goA Dangerfile for golang developer
141,6170compassjsCompass.js allow you to get compass heading in JavaScript by PhoneGap, iOS API or GPS h...
141,6170autoexpresoNon-official autoexpreso.com Ruby library and CLI application.
141,6170esortcodeRuby interface to eSortCode UK Account and Bank Branch validator
141,6170administrate-field-tinymceAdministrate Plugin to add tinymce editor to administrate field.
141,6170binance-sdkRuby SDK for Binance API
141,6170enricherEnricher, the IP and URL data enhancer
141,6170capistrano-twitterCapistrano recipe to send message to twitter
141,6170ambethia-recaptchaThis plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API
141,6170canpecustomizable template generator written by Ruby.
141,6170awesome-pryPry with useful gems included and some debugger shortcuts