Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164201-164220 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250historyHistory is a HISTORY file parser. It can parse common HISTORY file layouts and provide ...
68,6250kinksyncSync files all over directory tree with any cloud storage mounted on your file system
68,6250proximal_recordsActiveRecord extension to find out near by (proximal) previous and next records from th...
68,6250scorpioORM style REST client
68,6250thinp_xmlRuby library for parsing and generating the Linux thin-provisioning xml metadata format.
68,6250x_to_jsonA gem to provide swappable JSON backends utilizing Yajl::Ruby, the JSON gem, ActiveSupp...
68,6250verilogFile helpers with specific functions for Verilog HDL
68,6250syslog_clientsyslog client with tuan800
68,6250gemrA quick gem for displaying the latest versions of gems.
68,6250httpfiestaAdds some extra utilities to make verifying your HTTParty responses more convienent and...
68,6250jugyo-logyLogy is a Terminal based ChangeLoging tool.
68,6250hellHell is an open source web interface that exposes a set of capistrano recipes as a json...
68,6250josh_cutler-thinking-sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
68,6250spiderwebThis gem lets you detect wether the incoming request comes from a spider
68,6250grocer-pushpackagerBuilds push packages for OS X Mavericks web notifications
68,6250metriks-sematextMetriks reporter for sending Custom Metrics to SPM for graphing
68,6250textbringerTextbringer is a member of a demon race that takes on the form of an Emacs-like text ed...
68,6250PhariDocGenA documentation generator gem for projects following sinatra-padrino patterns.