Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164261-164280 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700rspikesA tool to display sparkline anywhere.
38,9700dependencyswapperThe dependencyswapper allows developers to switch between non source pods to source pod...
38,9700paulsingh-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)
38,9700bcolorsBcolors is used to colorise the bash output
38,9700paulsm-icalendarImplements the iCalendar specification (RFC-2445) in Ruby. This allows for the generat...
38,9700KeeneysAwesomeViewToolCreates a nifty copyright statement that you can use anywhere in your application.
38,9700resque_adminResqueAdmin is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing th...
38,9700tsm-accountingIt doesn't suck too badly maybe.
38,9700pboling-sanitize_emailallows you to play with your application's email abilities without worrying that emails...
38,9700pbosetti-rubitlashRubitlash is a Ruby interface with Bitlash for Arduino
38,9700errapiUtilities to validate data and serialize errors.
38,9700maj-text-counter-railsIntegrate majTextCounter with Rails asset pipelin for easy of use
38,9700danabr75-openglPATCHED FOR WINDOWS: An OpenGL wrapper for Ruby. opengl contains bindings for OpenGL. ...
38,9700prettyidGenerate Stripe-like ids for your ActiveRecord models
38,9700yc_ageWrite a longer description. Optional.
38,9700similarity_checkerTakes two strings as an input and returns similarity index out of a range of 0 to 100
38,9700mix-rails-vouchersVouchers module for mix-rails
38,9700simple_file_cacheSimpleFileCache writes a ruby object to a binary file so that it can be retrieved later...
38,9700arivaAriva language gem!