Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164221-164240 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870cache_replaceRails rendering extension for more server-side html caching
135,8870swissknifeA simple gem with sneaky commands!
135,8870commonmarkercomrakA fast, safe, extensible parser for CommonMark. This wraps the comrak Rust crate.
135,8870share_a_saleGem to share sales via the Share a Sale Network
135,8870uicovTool is applicable for any autotest's language becuase it parses log files.
135,8870ronyman-themetheme and website services
135,8870tiny_backupBackup your database on S3 or local, optimized for small disk space. The backup will ha...
135,8870unity-dynamodbstreams-event-processorDynamoDB Streams - Event Processor
135,8870sentient_modelReplace methods like `current_account` in your controllers with globally accessible met...
135,8870soar_auditing_provider_apiAPI for SOAR architecture auditing
135,8870capcode-render-noneCapcode plugin to render nothing
135,8870teamwork-pmA gem wrapper for the TeamworkPM API TeamworkPM: http://www.teamworkpm.net/ API: http:...
135,8870user_reviews_altWrapper for mulitple user review APIs
135,8870therapyTherapy is a command line tool to help you interact with GitHub issues. Also supports o...
135,8870scashin133-net-ldapPure Ruby LDAP library.
135,8870traffic-scraperThis gem parses the traffic engineering company and retrieves traffic information for t...
135,8870server-nameDisplays a string suitable for using as a server name, with a random choice of a colour...
135,8870ruboty-amazon_wishlistRuboty handler to check whether the prices of items in your Amazon wishlist has changed.
135,8870brighter_planet_deployBrighter Planet deployment system, published as the gem brighter_planet_deploy. Interna...
135,8870srikanth-helloA simple hello world gem