Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164301-164320 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171studio_game_sergio_silvaThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course, ...
147,2171assetsAssets is a simple gem that provides an ActiveRecord model that handles attachments via...
147,2171am_credit_cardActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard, without ActiveMerchant
147,2171wechat_template_content_parserParse and fill wechat template content.
147,2171activerecord_reset_pk_sequenceId of an AR table cleaner. Works for Postgres, MySQL and Sqlite.
147,2171studio-game-zekdeluca# Studio Game This is a ruby gem generated for study purposes.
147,2171watchdocs-railsIt captures every JSON response, stores request and response de...
147,2171valadocbr-themeTheme used in valadocbr.
147,2171split-apiRest API extension for Split
147,2171string-stats-esAdds analysis methods of word_count and more to the String class.
147,2171changelog_memo-parserParse changelog memo text.
147,2171simulacrum-browserstackBrowserStack runner for Simulacrum
147,2171airbedairbed makes camping restful
147,2171ssidyMy theme for my portfolio page.
147,2171xcodebuild-helperVery useful when writing scripts to automate xcode development or when creating ci scri...
147,2171spottyA Spotify automation library for Ruby
147,2171service_packSimple base class to simplify service provider classes
147,2171crud_methodsdesign pattern that allows order-independent class-level definition of action-dependent...
147,2171activerecord-jdbc-adapter-ficohAR-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component designed to be used wit...
147,2171benchmark_meThis gem will provide a benchmark on a piece of code logic