Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164481-164500 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850viberatorDumps Viber chat logs into pretty-formatted HTML
157,4850tritechASCII Import/Export in Tritech Amazon format
157,4850woodcutter_storyDecision driven story in Slovenian.
157,4850uikit2-railsA simple gem which provides source files (assets) of UIkit 2.x front-end framework for ...
157,4850zumataPower a hotel website - search hotels, create and manage bookings.
157,4850widenWe already have `String#upcase`, `String#downcase`. Now you can have `String#widen` an...
157,4850syslogger-alexSame as SyslogLogger, but without the ridiculous number of dependencies and with the po...
157,4850zeMore shorthand for method chains
157,4850uni_parserUniversal parser, you must only describe a page wit nokogiri
157,4850the_diddlerConvert external data into a more usable format
157,4850velocifyA library to communicate with Velocify's API.
157,4850sparkle-pack-rails-helpersGenerate DATABASE_URL and such
157,4850unity-dynamodbstreams-event-parserDynamoDB Streams - Event Parser
157,4850universalsUniversals provides a simple singleton class that can be used to store and retrieve dat...
157,4850storexploreA declarative scrapping DSL that lets one define directory like apis to an online store
157,4850translator_with_localeappFlexible syncronization solution of locales with LocaleApp.
157,4850uniteUnite provides extensions to your objects to support values with units
157,4850swistaczek-localtunnelinstant public tunnel to your local web server
157,4850sync2jiraPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
157,4850statrSimple statistical framework