Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164421-164440 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171openstax_authProvides utilities to get user information from cookies within OpenStax Ruby apps.
147,2171db-copierA DSL around Sequel to aid in copying or replicating databases.
147,2171bladerunnerEdit SQL files in your Rails project with your favourite editor; View results in your b...
147,2171chaocipherChaoCipher is a Ruby implementation of the Chaocipher cipher, invented by J. F. Byrne; ...
147,2171refsheetRuby wrapper for the Refsheet.net API
147,2171voteable_stewThe best voting gem ever
147,2171azure_mgmt_databoxedgeOfficial Ruby client library to consume Databoxedge
147,2171cloudflare-purge-clientThis gem that only provides cloudflare purge.
147,2171tiktok-oauth-strategyOmniAuth strategy for TikTok.
147,2171datoramaAPI client for Datorama api
147,2171xcrowdinXcode to Crowdin exporter and Cronwdin to Xcode Importer.
147,2171banks_api-shinseiFetch Shinsei Bank transactions via a standardized API
147,2171companies_nzThis gem handles the HMAC SHA256 request signing required for the NZ Companies Office's...
147,2171circlecliCommand line client for CircleCI. That full covering CircleCI API.
147,2171oshiriTruncate last word
147,2171pageviewsPageviews is a page views counting gem for rails. Log views from rails controller actions
147,2171varkonutility methods for matching patterns.
147,2171search_selectsearch and select
147,2171rubygems_test_repo_3fd2Since no real user would want to or might accidentally install this package it should w...
147,2171site_statussite_status is a light weight gem which checks the HTTP status of any website(s).