Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164401-164420 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171slim2hamlonvert slim files to haml files
147,2171replace_hostA simple gem which will replace Ip address to localhost
147,2171canduckleA Candle search engine port using DuckDuckGo for bangs.
147,2171counter_oneCounterOne provides improved counter cache for Rails app with support various relations...
147,2171d-installer-cliCommand line interface for D-Installer service
147,2171sendmail-commandSendmail command in Ruby.
147,2171thorero-slicesMerb-Slices is a Merb plugin for using and creating application 'slices' which help you...
147,2171shove_itA simple extendable deployment tool
147,2171scoreboardStart this command line tool, enter your home and visitor team, then start taking score...
147,2171sinceSimple static stopwatch.
147,2171refinerycms-translationsRuby on Rails Translations engine for Refinery CMS rails 3 compatible
147,2171cwyckoff-carrotSynchronous ruby AMQP client
147,2171bailitheoirBailitheoir is a JavaScript that you can insert into your pages to ensure that the ...
147,2171validate_uriLibrary for validating urls in Rails.
147,2171bike_travel_databasesMapping classes for bike travel databases, etc etc.
147,2171data-confirm-bourbonThis gem overrides Rails' UJS behaviour to open up a Bourbon Refill modal component ins...