Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164441-164460 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380zsolo_gameA very, very simple command line game
129,5380fake_dwollaAn implementation of the Dwolla ACH processing service to run during your integration t...
129,5380asirAbstracting Services in Ruby
129,5380droidprojManage Android projects with a Droidfile
129,5380voteable_bubbadogA voting gem created by my team
129,5380badmailsimple gem to create bad email addresses
129,5380zayinA collection of Ruby utilities and Rake tasks.
129,5380trinidad_daemonTrinidad daemon based on Apache Commons Daemon and JRuby-jsvc
129,5380value_objectA tiny gem for value objects.
129,5380dj_progress_jobAdd progress feature to delayed jobs
129,5380corey-facebookerFacebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://w...
129,5380coronavirus_updatesTo track the number of people affected by Coronavirus in all countries. Updates of peop...
129,5380checkabilityProvide Checkers functionality.
129,5380versoA Ruby wrapper for the Virginia CTE Resource Center's Web API
129,5380actionsmsLike ActionMailer, but for SMS
129,5380embulk-parser-query_stringParses Query String files read by other file input plugins.
129,5380braille_uebA translator for Unified English Braille (UEB)
129,5380webdav-exporterone-stop WebDAV file export directly from your commandline
129,5380tk-doublesliderThis provides an advanced, double-headed slider widget that allows selection of a range...