Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165121-165140 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380activerecord-activesalesforce-adapterActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Sal...
129,5380ci_runnerTired of copying the test suites names from a failed CI? This gem will automate this t...
129,5380cusick_palindromeA Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
129,5380wassup_rubygemsA simple hello world gem
129,5380unforassetsSeveral js libs for unformatt projects
129,5380fastlane-plugin-bitbucket_authGenerate a OAuth Token for Bitbucket API Access.
129,5380CWRU_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
129,5380adhearsion-ldapAn Adhearsion Plugin providing LDAP configurability
129,5380entitledManages my page titles, title tag, and breadcrumbs
129,5380aliyun_open_searchAliyun OpenSearch Syncs and Search
129,5380cronjob_servicePush a Notification to dashboard app at https://dashboard.smart-village.app/cronjobs
129,5380cocoalocalizeA Cocoa (OSX) automatic localizer for MainMenu
129,5380us_states_selectUS State select Rails plugin
129,5380xmlizeConvert Ruby objects to XML
129,5380compass-borderboxUse box-sizing: border-box; with impunity. Borderbox outputs equivalent CSS for IE6 & 7
129,5380drunkmonkeyDrunkMonkey is a rack middleware providing realtime two-way http communication with API...
129,5380bridgetown-deploy_hookAdd a Bridgetown hook triggered by HTTP for running post-deploy actions
129,5380unkLonger description of your project.