Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165141-165160 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171simple-serverSimpleServer provides a simple web server.
147,2171capistrano-nfsEnables the declaration of an additionnal shared folder
147,2171vestacp2Developed and tested on version 0.9.8-14. Only to do simple things with user accounts. ...
147,2171dfg59-defmacroMacros for ruby
147,2171wfarr-ciunasCiúnas is just a packaged up and slightly tweaked version of the silenceable logger cod...
147,2171backgroundableSimple backgrounding in rails using beanstalk
147,2171rom-generated_idThis gem generates an id when creating a new tuple.
147,2171tchia04_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
147,2171telegrambotRuby wrapper for Telegrambot's Bot API
147,2171despiteThis gem introduces 'despite' and 'even_if' flow control operators to explicitly de...
147,2171rbloxyrbloxy is a gem created to be a sentry to the roblox api with almost complete coverage.
147,2171rspec-example_disablerDisable specific examples. Useful when working with plugins that intentionally modify b...
147,2171dharmarth-starlingStarling is a lightweight, transactional, distributed queue server
147,2171splunkmanSplunkMan provides a simple API to execute saved searches on Splunk
147,2171parasyogiThe library opens up the String class and adds a
147,2171recsolu_login_clientA gem that makes it easy for Recsolu apps to authenticate with the login app using sing...
147,2171root_objectGeneric base class sensibly filled with convenient utilities for making great objects
147,2171rspec-speakNo, really. Listen.
147,2171rbenchmarkerRbenchmarker is a gem that allows you to automatically benchmark the execution time of ...
147,2171whimsy_strA collection of whimsical methods for modifying strings.