Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165161-165180 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840llm_libGem to invoke API calls to Huggingface and Openai LLMs
143,3840terminal_playerTerminal player is a minimalistic terminal-based player for di.fm, somafm.com, and Spot...
143,3840vagrant-cameraTakes screenshots of a VM
143,3840middleman-twitter-oembedAn extension for middleman to render twittr oembed status
143,3840logstash-filter-stagThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
143,3840logstash-input-acquiaThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
143,3840mobinfolookup ISP and geo info (province, city) for mobile number in China
143,3840waffle-makerFind waf logs that match rails routing.
143,3840tinychatSimple Tinychat API implementation based on HTTParty. Created for the purpose of playin...
143,3840volatile_hashImplements key-based cache that can have a least-recently-used or time-to-live expirati...
143,3840mime_fallbackAllows a rails format to act as a fallback for another format
143,3840morfoThis gem provides a DSL for converting one hash into another
143,3840lewispb_dependency_confusionA testbed for reproducing dependency confusion
143,3840wisper-testing-compatHelpers for testing Wisper-Compat publisher/subscribers.
143,3840norikra-querydump-formatFormatter for norikra-client query dump and sync.
143,3840uncharted-schedulerAllows you to define recurring workers for Sidekiq without requiring a dedicated job se...
143,3840leonardo_camp_hello_worldA simple gem that says hello to the world!
143,3840wiser_dateGorgeous real-time date display plugin
143,3840trowelLoads ActiveRecord seed data from YAML
143,3840wrichmanA simple hello world gem. Now with tests!