Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180501-180520 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910niftycloud-restful-read-apiNIFTYCloud の情報取得系 API を RESTful に利用できるようにする Sinatra アプリ
121,9910jekyll-serveThe `jekyll serve` command.
121,9910rabbit-slide-Piro-droonga-meetup-1Droonga Meetupで発表した、Groongaユーザ向けのDroongaの簡単な紹介と、Groongaを利用したアプリケーションをDroongaに移行する手順の解説です。
121,9910mdpressSimple gem to build impress.js presentations from markdown files.
121,9910hstorableThis gem simplifies working wih fields stored using Hstore
121,9910lunar_phaseEnter any date in terminal and receive the lunar phase for that date.
121,9910mime-typerA gem to detect mime type of a file, using libmagic.
121,9910goodbye_chatworkThis is Chatwork(chatwork.com) log exporter. This can be used also when you can not use...
121,9910middleman-markdown-yaml-front-matterWrap YAML frontmatter in Markdown files in a Markdown-style fenced code blocks.
121,9910partAn easy to use client for v2 of the Digital Ocean API
121,9910goncalossilva-kaltura_fuRails gem for making Kaltura integrations easier.
121,9910meetup_apiAs presented in our URUG downtown meetup at http://www.meetup.com/DRUG-Downtown-Ruby-Us...
121,9910mondidoLibrary for making payments with Mondido, visit https://mondido.com to sign up for an a...
121,9910neat-railsIt allows editing collections and models inline
121,9910podcastinatorA ruby library for generating podcast feeds from a source or via an API.
121,9910rake_i_taskThis gem provided a rake taks named 'i' making rake interactive: usage: add the foll...
121,9910jcukeforkerLibrary to maintain a forking queue of Cucumber processes, with optional VNC displays. ...
121,9910rabbit-slide-kou-groonga-document-read-33回目の「Groongaドキュメント読書会」は、前回の「Groongaドキュメント読書 会」でのフィードバックを反映して進めます。進め方は前回と同様に輪読会式 を使います。
121,9910heroku_rake_tasksRake tasks to manage an Heroku Application (Deploy tasks, DB tasks, ...)
121,9910rails_page_commentComment Rails Page. Send email when page's comment changed.