Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166281-166300 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380ffi-hiredis_vipFFI Wrapper for hiredis-vip
89,5380freeipa_easyIt's a small library, which will help with users and may be with other things in freeipa
89,5380robot-vimAutomate Vim with Ruby to allow for TDD/BDD of Vim plugins and scripts
89,5380encapsulatorsCollection of practical functions to be used with the 'encapsulate' gem.
89,5380skywalkThis gem install necessary environment for specific developments.
89,5380hola_zfineA simple hello world gem
89,5380guard-bowerGuard::Bower automatically install/update your bower dependencies when needed
89,5380platforms-coreLogin to Office 365 Teams, Yammer.
89,5380sidekiq_unique_digests_cleanerTool for cleaning unique digests which were stuck because of SIGKILL or any other accid...
89,5380rapiA Remote API (RAPI) interface.
89,5380segments_lexiconThe lexicon manager for Segments
89,5380jekyll-theme-resuchirpA full personal website theme based on the chirpy theme
89,5380pdf2htmlRuby wrapper for the awesome pdf2htmlex
89,5380dustin-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
89,5380devise_ottAdds one time token authentication to devise
89,5380en_routeA a small off-side langauge that compiles into the routes.rb file for Rails 3
89,5380rack-logsSimple rack based log viewer
89,5380dustin-r2flickrr2flickr is a fork of rflickr, a Ruby implementation of the Flickr API. It includes a f...
89,5380hipbot-pluginsHipbot sample plugins
89,5380semantria_sdkSemantria is a text analytics and sentiment analysis API. It allows you to gain valuabl...