Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166361-166380 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430finddupThis utility finds duplicate files. It's as simple as that.
131,2430dragonfly-cacheAllow Dragonfly to keep a cache of jobs results
131,2430adhoc-generatorsThe Ad Hoc Generators of useful Rails scaffold for Portfolio
131,2430exp_retryA simple exponential backoff retry wrapper.
131,2430activerecord-mlangExtension for multi language of active-record.
131,2430CommentsFilterIt's late and this is due is 3 hours!
131,2430balanced_ternary_integerConversion integers from/to balanced ternary and decimal numeral system.
131,2430custom_loaderA library of different set of customizable loaders to be included in your views for dis...
131,2430dm-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using f...
131,2430websocketableSimple gem to help with serializing channel returns
131,2430cssexCreate CSS Skeletons from HTML files
131,2430acts_as_relatableActs_as_relatable gem allows you to link/relate AR objects together easily with polymor...
131,2430capybara-basic_auth_helperProvides basic_auth(username, password) for Capybara specs.
131,2430cmor_auditsCmor::Audit Module.
131,2430douyin_sdkDouyin SDK for Ruby
131,2430em-beanstalkEventMachine client for Beanstalkd
131,2430zenrazenra-ize some text.
131,2430extrExtR is an Rails 4.x Ext Direct Router with View Helpers and some adjustment abilities.
131,2430dumbstatsCollect data, generate stats, draw histograms, send to Graphite, do stuff in Ruby.
131,2430bare_minimum_checksProvides a cli to run tests for the files that have been modified