Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166341-166360 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171sassy_listA compass plugin to allow you to set differnt colours for bullets in ul lists
147,2171samsouder-titlecasetitlecase is a set of methods on the Ruby String class to add title casing support as s...
147,2171persian_datepicker_jsA gem for adding PersianDatepicker JS library to your Rails project.
147,2171blog-mashanz-themeMashanz Blog Theme
147,2171dmarkow-right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
147,2171upyun-rainbowupaiyun ruby driver
147,2171rl_hiya_Koval_ArtemPuts greetings
147,2171custom_translationsI18n locales overriding via single file.
147,2171dotvizCreate pretty graphs from Ruby objects.
147,2171textfilterActiveRecord/Rails filter text fields before assigning them
147,2171sixarm_ruby_string_replace_betweenString#replace_between method to find the index positon after a match
147,2171parameter_filterA gem to easily filter out unwanted parameters in ActionController.
147,2171tttTTT is a Tic Tac Toe lib, as well as a CLI and GUI to play it.
147,2171caveman-crummyCrummy is a simple and tasty way to add breadcrumbs to your Rails applications.
147,2171RGSSMiniModelRGSS MiniModel.
147,2171pdfkit-herokuKeeps necessary library for PDFKit. Simplifies integration process with Heroku a bit
147,2171sprockets-es6-coffeeDon't wrap Coffeescript compiled output in IIFEs if es6 module is being used
147,2171sexOpinionated script execution framework
147,2171rake-compiler-sgonyeaProvide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions (C, Java) us...