Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166401-166420 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800streamlinerLightweight solution to measure controller usage in Rails applications with the aim of ...
102,5800yilianYilian print sdk.
102,5800truong_beautyA simple gem which will beautify your Gemfile
102,5800studio_game_kevinPlay a dice rolling game!
102,5800puppet-decryptA gem for encrypting/decrypting secret values for use with Puppet
102,5800TestGemI will choose SampleGem!
102,5800psqlversionsRequires the Postgres command line tools.
102,5800novelys_mongo_mapperFork of MongoMapper with Rails 3 patches
102,5800PukePuke is a minimal grooveshark library for ruby, using the Tinysong.com api instead of g...
102,5800bitso-rubyWrapper para conectarse al API de Bitso
102,5800roadsingh_chouhanroadsingh k gem
102,5800strong_csvstrong_csv is a type checker for a CSV file. It lets developers declare types for each ...
102,5800ohm-popA pop implementation for Ohm.
102,5800akido_pubsubAllows for the reading and creation of pubsub channels/subscriptions
102,5800portuguese_pluralizerA simple gem that extends the String class to allow pluralization of Portuguese nouns
102,5800beecartProvide Basic Shopping Cart Function to Your Rails Project
102,5800qtbindings-qtqtbindings-qt contains the compiled qt dlls
102,5800prepor-ologgerObject separated logs
102,5800twoffein-clientClient for twoffein.de API
102,5800snowmansnowman gem