Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166761-166780 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380mrubyudfCreate MySQL UDF using mruby
89,5380rails-guiRails Graphical User Interface - User-Friendly Rails Configuration (e.g. display routes...
89,5380kpi_managerKpiManager allows to create reports from a back-office. KPIs must be defined in the...
89,5380kurokoCucumber Plugin for testing Puppet manifests using Vagrant
89,5380jekyll-webp-resize[DEPRECATED] Use `jekyll-imagemagick` instead. WebP Image Generator for Jekyll 3 Sites ...
89,5380ebook_generatorA simple eBook (ePub and Mobi) generator gem
89,5380redhat_access_libRest Client for accessing Red Hat Support
89,5380sinicumProvides the necessary functionality to work with Magnolia-managed content in a Rails a...
89,5380FreedomCoder-utility_beltA grab-bag of IRB power user madness. (With Linux Support!)
89,5380dns_oneInstead having a complex data schema to assign record sets to DNS zones, dns_one assign...
89,5380freelancing-god-gingerRun specs/tests multiple times through different gem versions.
89,5380freelancing-god-riddleAPI for Sphinx, written in and for Ruby.
89,5380netgeoA CLI tool for ip, dns, mac, and geolocation data, with clean output for piping
89,5380frolic-trackless_triggerAdds support for MySQL triggers in ActiveRecord
89,5380magic_stiWrite a gem description
89,5380fromgit-url2mhtmlgenerate to MHTML from URL.
89,5380tabular-textYou know those times when you're dealing with a 10-year-old government API and they req...
89,5380notify-graphitePush event notifications to Graphite