Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166821-166840 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090friendly_scoreapi wrapper for friendlyscore.com platform
142,2090huginn_epic_store_new_free_game_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
142,2090jspracSe abordara ́ la implementacio ́n de una estructura de datos mediante una lista enlazada.
142,2090mars-nestaNesta is a lightweight Content Management System, written in Ruby using the Sinatra web...
142,2090jekyll-waterfallA minimal Jekyll Theme
142,2090mountain-goatA/B test everything and get awesome in-house analytics
142,2090gitpluralA command-line manager for Git identities
142,2090jekyll-liquid-plusSuper powered Liquid tags for smarter Jekyll templating.
142,2090html5jp_graphshtml5jp_graphs is a Rails Plugin for HTML5.jp graph libraries. It supports vertical bar...
142,2090google-map-stitchDownload and stitch google map tiles into a single image.
142,2090foaf_stonemanage personal information and social contacts in FOAF documents
142,2090libricielGem Libriciel with all classes includes, called in ruby code like `Libriciel::ApiXivo.x...
142,2090fourRuby supports 'redo' but not 'fuck'! Fixes that.
142,2090guayoyoGuayoyo, un tema ligero para llevar notas de códigos y proyectos inspirado en Problem S...
142,2090fluent-plugin-proc_countprocess count check plugin for fluentd.
142,2090mcmire-shoulda-matchersMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes
142,2090foot_stats_simulatorSimulator that aims to emulate FootStats service
142,2090hola541A simple hello world gem
142,2090javajakeBuild java code with ease.
142,2090laterLean Redis-backed event scheduling library for Ruby