Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166801-166820 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700forgeos_commerceForgeos Commerce provide products, cart, wishlist, orders
38,9700tpitale-shouldaMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes
38,9700martinetAuthorization component for warden
38,9700posthaven_themeCommand line tool to help with developing Posthaven themes. Provides simple commands to...
38,9700print_helloA simple hello world gem
38,9700active_record-annotateAdds a rake task which prepends each model file with an excerpt about the corresponding...
38,9700GemCodebreakerThis gem for Codebreaker Game
38,9700remark_analyticsThis gem/plugin is used in applications that need to fire events to the ReMark Analytic...
38,9700seniorAn AI-powered pair programmer. Provides a user-friendly interface for using AI API's to...
38,9700pic2chA gem that provides api to pic2ch
38,9700rookRook is a SCM tool like Make, Rake, Ant, Cons, and so on. Rook is inspired by Cook whic...
38,9700uber-sdkA Ruby SDK for the Uber API.
38,9700sensu-plugins-xmattersProvides a default xMatters handler and library that can be used to create xMatters Eve...
38,9700sham_shieldAn encouraging process wrapper that texts a ship-it squirrel on completion.
38,9700beginI don't want a single thing preventing me from starting off (even the smallest) library...
38,9700padrino-rpmA gem for monitoring Padrino with newrelic rpm
38,9700simplerubystepssimplerubysteps makes it easy to manage AWS Step Functions with ruby (this is an early ...
38,9700cf-s3-invalidatorThis lib fetches the names of all objects on an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket. Then...
38,9700activerdf_net7Offers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores). Version of ...
38,9700activerecord_aadThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.