Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167141-167160 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700odata-modelA mapping layer for the OData gem that can integrate with ActiveModel
38,9700pkceAn OAuth Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) challenge and code verifier.
38,9700hyves_oauthA Ruby client for the Hyves API using OAuth
38,9700simplecov-vimformatterGenerates simplecov code coverage files for VIM
38,9700immigrateAdds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage foreign-data wrappers in P...
38,9700activerequestActiveRequest is a gem to help monolithic projects turn into micro services.
38,9700transliteReplaces non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation.
38,9700basicallyA faster alternative to test mocking for Rails Model Objects
38,9700essayFeature information of activerecord models, attributes and associations
38,9700jekyll-mahjong"jekyll-mahjong" is a Jekyll plugin that offers a "mahjong" tag that will translate the...
38,9700blogbotBot that crawls the most popular articles from websites.
38,9700fastlane-plugin-ravenPlugin to manage Releases and upload JS Sourcemaps
38,9700git_refreshcheckout a particular ref from git inside a particular directory
38,9700fluent-plugin-sakuraiofluentd plugin for sakura.io
38,9700sidekiq-bunchLightweight implementation of job bunches.
38,9700spring-commands-racliracli command for Spring
38,9700airtable-railsAirtable client from Rails
38,9700querifierWrite a longer description or delete this line.