Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167201-167220 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700stjstj is a meme generator for the "Spoke to Joe" meme.
38,9700km-psychPsych is a YAML parser and emitter
38,9700machinist_railsInspired by factory_girl_rails. Machinist_rails enables auto-loading of macros, matcher...
38,9700git-assetsHelp you be faster in development mode and (goal) probably be fastest of furious in pro...
38,9700activestorage-ftpFTP Active Storage service.
38,9700seanwalbran-rpm_contribCommunity contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Relic Rub...
38,9700hkA description of your project
38,9700readlists-anonymousReadlists API for anonymous lists.
38,9700transparencia_brasilGem to get data from transparenciabrasil.org API
38,9700better_strong_paramsAdds a DSL to ActionController that allows to add strong params filtering without addin...
38,9700btcrubyBitcoin toolkit for Ruby
38,9700helium-rubyA Ruby gem for building applications with the Helium API
38,9700opentelemetry-exporters-datadogThis exporter has been deprecated. To export your OTLP traces from OpenTelemetry SDK di...
38,9700fatboyFatboy is a gem designed to easily keep track of views. It doesn't touch your SQL, an...
38,9700worktreeManage your projects by git working tree feature
38,9700etherscanio3rd party using to the ethereumblockchain API at etherscan.io
38,9700active_treeThis gem lets you manage partitioned tree structures or graphs using PostgreSQL as data...
38,9700activestorage-nftA ActiveStorage Service
38,9700lita-doublerDoubles numbers