Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167081-167100 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380quberRails adapter for Qube
69,2380iudex-coreIudex is a general purpose web crawler and feed processor in ruby/java. The iudex-core ...
69,2380ivy-resolverProvides a Bundler-like interface to resolve JARs with Ivy
69,2380sirius-clientThe core ruby client part for Sirius system.
69,2380slicehost-toolstools utilizing the slicehost api
69,2380typographyThis gem makes text more readable by applying some typographic rules to string.
69,2380kiokuA leightweight key-value store solution written in pure Ruby. See the Homepage for ...
69,2380edgar_palindromeLearn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector
69,2380google-cloud-bigquery-data_policies-v1The Data Policy Service provides APIs for managing the BigQuery label-policy bindings. ...
69,2380dried_interactionJust a simple, ready to use interactor implementation with built in validation of input...
69,2380scenic_oracle_pkProvides a migration helper to build primary keys on Oracle views.
69,2380ryanbriones-ZenTestZenTest provides 4 different tools and 1 library: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, multiru...
69,2380ryanb-thinking_sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
69,2380ryanlowe-easy_formatFormats and escapes database text for safe use in Ruby on Rails views
69,2380guard-goliathAutomatically reloads your Goliath app on file change using Guard.
69,2380ngrok-rspecNgrok-rspec gem provides ability to run capybara specs with ngrok tunnel
69,2380slickdeals_cliProvides the url and price for Woot and Slickdeal Popular Deals.
69,2380sake_rubySeach a sake information includes Tokuteimeisho, raw materials and Seimaibuai.
69,2380snowflakeyUnique ID Generator