Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167061-167080 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900yaml-execYou can execute command with very complicated arguments by using a YAML file.
140,0900acts_as_partitionedHandle postgres style partitions in ActiveRecord
140,0900bulk_insert2Faster inserts! Insert N records in a single statement.
140,0900array-condenseCondense unruly arrays!
140,0900chef-metal-fogDriver for creating Fog instances in Chef Metal.
140,0900ckickCKick is a simple gem that helps to kick start a C/C++ project using CMake with an arbi...
140,0900voppe-jekyll-themeThe theme used for https://voppe.it
140,0900bitwizardRuby library for controlling the BitWizard boards over SPI and I2C
140,0900beaconchaA Ruby gem for the Beaconcha API
140,0900yard-ruby-hooksDocumentation helper for define_hook from ruby-hooks
140,0900amqp-hermesWrapper around ruby-amqp to make pub/sub easier
140,0900demotoyThis is just a demo!
140,0900custom555custom555, will provide some of the useful math functionalities like add, substract, mu...
140,0900whurl_engineWhurl is a mountable engine for Rails 3.1+ apps allowing you to show ...
140,0900devicedb_commsCommunication helper gem for talking to Device Database
140,0900badminBadmin is a highly customizable CMS styled with Bootstrap.
140,0900webview-ffiRuby FFI Binding to https://github.com/webview/webview Library.
140,0900caixanegraAn unopinionated, flow oriented blackbox designer and executor to interface your servic...
140,0900bi-frostBifrost is a pub/sub wrapper library which uses Azure message bus and actors.
140,0900airbnb-ruby-profruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...