Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167261-167280 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171ruboty-sanfrecceSanfrecce Game Schedule
147,2171secure-chef-formatterSecure log format (for CI etc)
147,2171bunny_streamRubyGem to manage files on Bunny Stream.
147,2171rails-adsense-helperThanks to ihaveu.com team.
147,2171str2timeConvert string time representations into seconds
147,2171snarkifyReplaces all the positive words in given content with negative words, taking into accou...
147,2171warchatA simple interface to World of Warcraft Remote Guild Chat in Ruby. Supports whispers, ...
147,2171consonant_regexIf your argument contains any vowel it returns false. Call method is_consonant(arg)
147,2171qwikdoctext-to-HTML conversion tool for qwikWeb users
147,2171cool.io-websocketCool.io-WebSocket is a WebSocket server implementation based on Cool.io, a high perform...
147,2171procfsA handy collection of Ruby wrappers around the Linux ProcFS.
147,2171approval_hubA library for interacting with the Enterprise Approval Kiosk
147,2171raja_smsGem for integrate with Raja Sms
147,2171divya_gemPlaying with gems!
147,2171submailSubmail client api.
147,2171test_openaiA sample gem to call OpenAI API
147,2171render_syncRenderSync turns your Rails partials realtime with automatic updates through Faye
147,2171dx-gridAmateur radio Maidenhead grid locator conversions
147,2171roman_namesA fun generator to generate ancient roman names
147,2171payment-highwayCustom payments for your custom app. Api client for Payment Highway