Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167281-167300 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171database_cleaner-ldapStrategy for cleaning LDAP databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
147,2171ripl-short_errorsOnly show the first backtrace entry when errors are displayed. The complete backtrace c...
147,2171shellac-replshellac is a REPL for Varnish's varnishlog command. It's a simple tool for interactin...
147,2171ycodeCustom-markup parser for http://y-ch.at/
147,2171satSinatra Application Template
147,2171capybara-on-crackAdds extensions to capybara that make individual drivers more powerful and flexible.
147,2171pantomathOpentracing utility
147,2171dm-is-schemalessA plugin that allows you to easily treat an rdbms like a schemaless store, perfect for ...
147,2171workarea-flow_ioIntegrate Flow Commerce's international payments into the Workarea Commerce Platform
147,2171buybotAn open-source buying bot intended for legitmate buyers; fight back against scalpers.
147,2171rubocop-redmine_wiki_formatterFormatter for Redmine Wiki page. A formatter for the RuboCop tool that outputs in R...
147,2171stimulus_attrsHelpers to simplify rendering Stimulus data attributes
147,2171copybook_utilsUtilities for working with COBOL copybooks and file conversion.
147,2171control_roomA Rails engine for creating multi-purpose admin and analytics dashboards
147,2171eiwajiJapanese to English lexer and dictionary
147,2171dogeify_kamal28Learning, 2nd app
147,2171blabsANOTHER ONE? Yep - another lightweight blogging engine
147,2171svm_toolkitSupport-vector machines are a popular tool in data mining. This package includes an am...
147,2171unit_stUnit gem
147,2171openpushedAn fully open source push notifications server