Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
167401-167420 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870strongmind-sidekiq-cloudwatchmetricsRuns a thread inside your Sidekiq processes to report metrics to CloudWatch useful for ...
135,8870botstrapXcode/git bootstrapping
135,8870snip-snapA ruby library that allows you to extract images from popular image-sharing services
135,8870statsd-cliReport statsd metrics with commandline Statsd
135,8870sensu-runA utility for executing Sensu Go checks on systems that cannot run the Sensu Go Agent
135,8870strongly_typed_parametersWhitelist and typecheck your parameters at the controller level
135,8870cfmx_compatA Ruby encryption library compatible with the CFMX_COMPAT standard used in ColdFusion
135,8870bricolage-spreadsheetGoogle Spreadsheet-related job classes for Bricolage batch framework
135,8870chef_sous_videSousVide is a Chef Handler who will precisely track a converge process of your recipes ...
135,8870connectors_stubsGem containing utilities used by implementations of Connectors when run external to Ent...
135,8870capybara-js_findersAdditional finders for capybara that for some reason cannot use only xpath for find...
135,8870chipgpsChIPgps is an open source Ruby library for parsing result files of the Genome Positioni...
135,8870bcms_pubcookieA Pubcookie module for BrowserCMS
135,8870aws_cloud_searchAWSCloudSearch Search gem
135,8870revisor_clientRuby helper library for Revisor browser
135,8870uae-commonUAE common library
135,8870studio_game_ribarThis is a game written as homework for the Ruby Studio, Online Edition, from Pragmatic ...
135,8870ast_transformAn AST transformation framework.
135,8870sprsquish-blatherAn XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri
135,8870chatbotA simple gem to make writing groupme bots easier